View Dr. Kochenash's full CV here.
Roman Self-Representation and the Lukan Kingdom of God (Lexington Books/Fortress Academic Press)
Christian Origins and the New Testament in the Greco-Roman Context: Essays in Honor of Dennis R. MacDonald (coedited; Claremont Press)
Classical Greek Models of the Gospels and Acts: Studies in Mimesis Criticism (coedited; Claremont Press)
"The Jewish Character of Luke’s Imitation of Literary Models: Situating Acts within Judaism"
Luke and Acts with(in) Second Temple...: forthcoming
"The Case for Judith's Imitation of 'Nobody' (among Others)"
Journal for the Study of Judaism 54: 316–49
"Trojan Horses: The Counterintuitive Use of Dinah, Helen, and Goliath in Joseph and Aseneth"
Journal for the Study of Judaism 52: 417–41
"Cross-Purposes in the Gospel of Judas: What Judas Intended for Evil, God Intended for Good"
Journal of Early Christian Studies 28: 481-500
"Cornelius's Obeisance to Peter (Acts 10:25-26) and Judaea Capta Coins"
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 81: 627-40
"The Scandal of Gentile Inclusion: Reading Acts 17 with Euripides' Bacchae"
Classical Greek Models of the Gospels...: 125-44
"Political Correction: Luke's Tabitha (Acts 9:36-43), Virgil's Dido, and Cleopatra"
Novum Testamentum 60: 1-13
"You Can't Hear 'Aeneas' without Thinking of Rome"
Journal of Biblical Literature 136: 667-85
"Taking the Bad with the Good: Reconciling Images of Rome in Luke-Acts"
Religious Studies Review 41: 43-51
"The Census in Luke 2: Using Josephus to Make Sense of Luke's Irreconcilable Chronology"
Journal of Biblical Literature 143: 503–22
"Unbelievable: An Interpretation of Acts 12 That Takes Rhoda's Cassandra Curse Seriously"
Journal of Biblical Literature 141: 337–57
"Reframing Julius' Kindness (Acts 27) as an Extension of Luke's Socratic Characterisation of Paul"
New Testament Studies 67: 73-84
"Better Call Paul 'Saul': Literary Models and a Lukan Innovation"
Journal of Biblical Literature 138: 433-49
"'Adam, Son of God' (Luke 3.38): Another Jesus-Augustus Parallel in Luke's Gospel"
New Testament Studies 64: 307-25
"Even Good Homer Nods"
Classical Greek Models of the Gospels...: 17-24
"The Advent of Christmas and Early Christian Sacred Space"
Questions Liturgiques 98: 60-80
"Reconsidering Luke-Acts and Virgil's Aeneid: Negotiating Ethnic Legacies"
Christian Origins and the New Testament...: 7-38